Sunday, November 19, 2006

Keep fighting

I cannot help but become livid at the fact that we have all but been abandoned by the priests of the Catholic Church nowadays. Our local Novus Ordo parish has confession times for every day, which is great, but no parish in this whole diocese offers a priest for spiritual direction! In fact, I was shocked to find out that the "spiritual director" listed in the bulletin here is none other than a deacon's wife!!!

Our shepherds have ceased to shepherd. A soul needs direction, it needs a father to give a good example, a wise priest who has focused his life on loving God, and can give advice born out of experience to those wishing to grow in holiness.

So many souls are suffering right now because of a lack of direction, someone to guide them, help them with their scruples, help them understand the Church and learn how to love God; someone to explain the mysteries and unveil the beauties that we believe. Our Blessed Mother has warned us and warned us and warned us, but still no one listens to her. She has already told us what we must do in order to fix this problem, but no one wants to do what she has said. Pray the rosary; even if you can't feel or see the good effects, Mary has obtained so many things from her Son for those who will obey her motherly command to pray this prayer. It isn't for her that we pray it. . .it is for ourselves, but that is why she wants us to pray it; by doing what she says, because she asked us to, we will be helping ourselves along the road to heaven. Receive the sacraments as often as you can. Try to keep the clutter out of your life, which crowds love of God and fellow man out of your heart.

It's a battle out there. There is a humongous battle being waged for souls right now, and there are casualties all over the place, but people are so interested in themselves and their petty problems that they can't even hear the whistle of the bombs falling in the background of their thoughts! It is crucial for us soldiers to hold onto our weapons now, or we will be creamed! The rosary is our battle rifle, and our other private devotions are the ammunition rounds. The brown scapular and accompanying devotions is our body armour. Confession is the bandages and wound dressings. The sacramentals are our grenades. The mass is our compass. The Eucharist is our food and water, without which, we wouldn't get very far at all.

God has given us all the things we need, right here. We have to make sure we use them and never lay them aside, even if they get too heavy for us to carry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A priest from my parish repeats over and over that we get the priests we pray for.

If we want shepherds who will shepherd, then we'd better pray for them, or we'll continue to have nothing.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is true. I'm very blessed to be a traditional Catholic who is not in this situation, but I'm well aware of the fact that for the majority of Catholics that is not the case.

Obviously we need to pray, but we also need spiritual reading. For many of us, spiritual reading will have to take the place of spiritual direction. The works of the saints: St. Francis De Sales, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa, St. Therese...Sophia Press and TAN publishing publish traditional Catholic literature. One saint said that in prayer we speak to God but in spiritual reading God speaks to us. So few people, particularly Americans, read anymore, and the spiritual and intellectual life suffers as a result. has many older Catholic books on-line.

While it is true we get the priests we pray for, it is also true that the current state of apostasy in the Catholic church came largely from the top down. Until the faithful stop tolerating it and supporting it with their pocketbooks, it will continue.

6:59 AM  

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