Been busy. . .
Sorry folks, busy busy busy. But this article on toxins in our food is very interesting.
My soul takes pleasure in three things, and they are beautiful in the sight of the Lord and of men: Agreement between brothers, friendship between neighbors, and a wife and husband who live in harmony.
Yowsa! Having been researching veganism and vegetarian diets for some time I have become well aware of what goes into our food. It's downright nasty sometimes. As much as poss. I try to eat vegan and when not possible I go vegetarian.
There is a book you must read called "Fast Food Nation" I believe that's it by Eric Schlosser. And if you haven't seen the move "Super Size Me" see it. It's a documentary on McYuck..I mean McDonalds. Another good one on nutrition is "The China Study" by T.Colin Campbell (I think) Yes, many of the foods we eat and think are healthy are killing us. Good post! (:
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